The day I board that plane to South Africa
The morning, I was leave to go to the airport was not a good morning on Tuesday November Third 2015. I started have a migraine headache and I had to finish packing. Isaiah was hanging on my neck and would not let go. On the way to the airport I have to make a stop by Walmart to get another trunk to put stuff in. Then we went to the airport I got the trunk we brought at Walmart and put stuff in it. I got my bags and trunks all checked in and we went up stairs. We were going to get something to eat but I could not take it though security. I said my goodbyes and Mom and Dad said there goodbyes. I went though security and had to be padded down. Also my hand wiped down. I want to my gate and waited to board the plane for Tulsa to Atlanta. I make some phone calls and got on the plane the flight left at 12:39PM. I got Atlanta about 3:33PM there time. I ate in Atlanta and made some phone calls. The plane took off about 7:10PM and I made it to Johannesburg, South Africa about 5:30PM Wednesday evening November Fourth 2015. I went to give thanks to God for keeping me safe on the way to South Africa. I went to give thanks to God for getting me here with all of your support at home.