Highlights From the Past Four Months

I have been here in South Africa for ten months now. I would like to share with you some of the highlights from the last four months. Thank you for making it possible for me to be here fulfilling God’s call on my life.

Here at Jackson’s Ridge Training Centre ipuppets-2n May we had puppet festival. One of the sessions was about how to do puppets. Another session dealt with ventriloquism. I participated in the ventriloquism session. Also my colleague, Gail, made some puppets. I helped to sell them in the ministry’s resource room. Where children’s workers were able to purchase them to use in their individual ministries.

Later in May, we conducted a training seminar at a local church here in South Africa. I showed the attendees how to do an object lesson using three glasses. One glass contained blue water, which represented sin. Another glass held red water, which represented the blood of Jesus. When I poured the water from both glasses into the empty glass, the liquid became purple. “The purple,” I told the people, “represents royalty. We become royalty when we ask Jesus to come in to our hearts.”

Then in June, our team helped in a golf tournament to raise funds for the upcoming Royal Family Kids Camp.

banquet-decorThat evening we put on a banquet for those who participated in the tournament. I helped to decorate the banquet hall. The theme was “The Olympics,” which is also the theme for this year’s Royal Family Kids Camp.

Then, in July we travelled to the town of Mafikeng to conduct a Children’s Ministry Training Seminar. On Friday night, we held a youth service. In the service we talked about eternity and the need for repentance. Praise the Lord, the glory of the Lord came down! The service made me miss my kids back home in Oklahoma where I helped with the youth for about seven years.

Also in Mafikeng our team conducted a Saturday Children’s Ministers Workshop. I told the story of Daniel and the Lions Den. I used a lion puppet that appeared with a mighty roar! I also showed the children’s workers how to do object lessons and how to teach memory verses to their children. Finally, On Sunday we ministered to the kids in Children’s Church.

Please pray for the following:

  • Please still pray for my health. I am doing much better.
  • Pray that God will use me in any way He desires.
  • Pray for the Jackson’s Ridge Training Centre where I serve.
  • Pray for the kids who come to Jackson’s Ridge.
  • Please pray for the coming Royal Family Kids Camp.
  • Please pray for direction.

Again, thank you for your faithful support of me and my ministry to the children of South Africa. You are truly a blessing. I will pray for you.





I will be a part of a camp this coming weekend. Also week after camp, we have a Royal Family Kids Camp that will be here at Jackson’s Ridge. After Royal Family Kids Camp, we go straight in to another camp. I would like you all to pray for the camps that are coming up. We are just starting camp season here Jackson’s Ridge.

Thank you
Kristie Ridge

Reaching Out by Loving the Children of South Africa

Kristie Ridge

Dear Friends and Family,

I have been here in South Africa for six months now. I’d like to share some of the highlights with you, and I’d like to thank you for making it possible for me to be here fulfilling God’s calling on my life.

When I arrived I began working in the resource room counting everything I could get to. I then helped out in my first Royal Family Kids Camp in December. The children who come to these camps have been orphaned, neglected, or abused. While there, I was involved in the Breakfast Club where we were able to share with the kids about how they were royally in God’s kingdom. (On the left is a photo of the Royal Family Kids Camp counselors and staff.) I was able to help with making stock bread. To make this bread you place the dough on a stick and cook it over coals, —it is a lot like roasting marshmallows. I also helped out in the café where we served the kids their choice of hot chocolate or blue drink and cupcakes. They also do crafts in the café.Newsletter 2picture rfkc

One highlight of the camp was when the kids celebrated their birthdays. They each received a backpack filled with wonderful things. I also helped the kids spend their “Royal Rand” at the camp store. (Rand are the South African dollars.) Some of them didn’t even know how to exchange money or receive change for what they bought. They would just say, “I don’t have enough money to buy that.” What joy came to my heart when I saw their faces lighting up as they were buying items from the store! The hardest part was on the last day when all the children had to go back to the orphanage or foster care where they lived.

Kids Camp in January

Then in January, I worked in my first camp at Jackson’s Ridge.  On Saturday night we had a “praise party” where we worshiped the Lord and the staff was able to pray for the kids. It was a powerful time and some of the children were delivered from demonic oppression.Newsletter 1Jan 2016 kids 1 2

Children’s Worker Seminar

Also in January, we conducted a Children’s Worker Seminar. It was the biggest seminar we have ever had at Jackson’s Ridge with over 200 children’s workers attending. I served by working in the resource room; making sure everyone had the supplies they needed during the seminar. newsletter 3seminar 101 and 102 3Prior to the seminar, I put bar codes on the items that would be distributed during the seminar.

Missionary Ladies that were at the Pastor, Pastor Wives Conference.


Then, in February we conducted a Pastors’ Wives Conference at Jackson’s Ridge with the International Assemblies of God. About 80 pastors, pastors’ wives, and missionaries attended the conference. newsletter 4wife formDuring the conference Pastor Ndlala preached about the Holy Spirit.

In March I helped prepare for an upcoming conference for toddlers. I was very busy cutting out things that the little ones would use during the conference. Two of the things I cut out were treasure chests and a wheel with happy and sad faces.  I also attended seventh grade classes at the School in Magaliesburg.

Please pray for the following:

  • Pray for my health. I have struggled with health issues since January, but praise the Lord, I am now doing some better.
  • Pray that God will use me in any way He desires.
  • Pray for the Jackson’s Ridge Training Centre where I serve.
  • Pray for the kids that come to Jackson’s Ridge.

Again, thank you for your faithful support of my ministry in South Africa. You are truly a blessing. I will pray for you.

Kristie Ridge



What has been going on in part of South Africa

I keep being reminded of all the things that it took to get to South Africa. How long it as been since God called me to Africa. The time in South Africa in eight hour head of the time in the States. It has been hard to get to sleep at the right time because you lay here half the night awake. The mornings Monday though Friday start at about six O clock. At Jackson’s Ridge the workers all have devotion at seven twenty in the morning with prayer after that. There is one grocery store that is about 30 minutes away, which is in Magaliesburg. I got to drive to Magaliesburg twice sense I have been here. We go to the grocery in Rustenburg and it takes all day. It is about 50 minutes drive way from Jackson’s Ridge. I have to think about what meal to fix when I go to the grocery. I can not just go eat because there is no were to get anything. I am living out in the middle of know were. I have sordid though sheets and comforter to make a whole set. Also I put JR on the sheets. I got to be a part of a service last Sunday on the November 22 2015. I was a surf board puppet for one of the songs. I worked on making Salvation breadless. I worked two day this week in the recourse room counting. It has taken some time to get unpack and get the suitcase and storage container moved out. I still have some to unpack. I have a shower contain and a rod in my bath room.

I am thankful for the bless that God has given me this year. I would not have made it with God being with me. I would like to say thank you to all the one that have given and will continue to given.
I am so thankful just to be were I am in South Africa. Thank you for the prayers.

The day I board that plane to South Africa

The morning, I was leave to go to the airport was not a good morning on Tuesday November Third 2015. I started have a migraine headache and I had to finish packing. Isaiah was hanging on my neck and would not let go. On the way to the airport I have to make a stop by Walmart to get another trunk to put stuff in. Then we went to the airport I got the trunk we brought at Walmart and put stuff in it. I got my bags and trunks all checked in and we went up stairs. We were going to get something to eat but I could not take it though security. I said my goodbyes and Mom and Dad said there goodbyes. I went though security and had to be padded down. Also my hand wiped down. I want to my gate and waited to board the plane for Tulsa to Atlanta. I make some phone calls and got on the plane the flight left at 12:39PM. I got Atlanta about 3:33PM there time. I ate in Atlanta and made some phone calls. The plane took off about 7:10PM and I made it to Johannesburg, South Africa about 5:30PM Wednesday evening November Fourth 2015. I went to give thanks to God for keeping me safe on the way to South Africa. I went to give thanks to God for getting me here with all of your support at home.



I am on my way to South Africa!!

I am ready to go to the place God has called me too. I would like tell you that it has been a long time coming. I will getting on the plane to Johannesburg South Africa on Tuesday.  We are God’s hands and feet to this World. We need to love people were they are at.


      I have thought about the spiritual cost because of where I will be going. The crime rate is very high in South Africa. I am going because that is were God has called me. I will be going to South Africa to work at a place call Jackson’s Ridge Training Centre as a Missionary Associate. It is 45 minutes from Rustenburg, which is the closest big town. I will be working with children that have been abused or neglected. I will have a part in training children’s workers so they can train workers for the next generation of kids. I am going to be helping with the service we have in the evening with kids.
     We are God’s hands and feet to the world. We are living in the last days. God is coming soon for His people. This means that we have to do our part in reaching people for Christ. This means love people where they are . It is about souls that need to be saved for the Kingdom of God.

When God Called me.

When I was in high school, Pastor Rose preached about having a divine appointment with God that would charge your life.  I went on a mission’s trip to London, England with the youth group.  We had a prayer meeting at the church.  When I was praying, God showed me a picture of the world, and the continent of Africa shined out as the place where God was calling me.

I went to school at Southwestern Assemblies of God University.  My degree is in church ministries. I am debt free!

God is coming soon to take His children home, so we have all got to do our part!   We are called to be God’s hands and feet to reach people for Christ.  For me, this mean going to Africa.  Africa is a place that has a lot of the kids who have no parents because the AIDS virus has taken their lives. The kids are the ones that are all alone and need to know how much God loves them.  One way we can show the love of Jesus is by having a soup kitchen for the kids to get a hot meal.  Another way is that we are able to educate the kids about the AIDS virus.  We also can have services to teach the Word of God to the kids.

When I went to Swaziland in 2004, we did a healing crusade.    We had all the people that would like prayer to come to the altar area.  Because of the witchcraft there, we did not lay hands on them.  We wanted them to know that the healing comes from God.  A lady that was in one of the services had sores on the bottom of her feet. She came down and we prayed.  She came up, gave her testimony about God healing her, and the sores were gone.  God healed her!

When I went to Rustenburg in 2008, we put up two church buildings.  The second church building that was there had been burned because of the people practicing witchcraft.  They did not want to have a church in that area.  When the church building was going up, the people that were in line to see the eye doctor started to clap, cheer, and yell as they waited.
A few years ago I had a vision. In my vision I saw the earth with the continent of Africa showing  brighter than all else. I knew that God was confirming my earlier call to Africa. Praise the Lord, He has now opened the door for me to fulfill that call!